...is pleased and proud to present their first recommendation.
This is definitely what they have in mind when They say (or write) convergence- a tv show and robust online presence.
(Full disclosure, we have not seen the show or looked too deeply into the website, but we have strong feelings about what they have going on here, or seem to be have going on here through our cursory once over.)
See for yourselves, it's awesome, fun and interesting (or seems to be).
And remember, we do the hard work for you, plucking the best of the best from the super web so you can go directly to the pre-approved good stuff...
Ghost Chat New England!!
From their website:
History, Mystery, Legends and Ghosts
Your "televixen" hosts: Cindy Corriveau and Nancy Krissoff-- Our motto----Diversity Rocks!
Time: Friday nights 7:30 pm Comcast Channel 14 and viewable online!
Stay tuned as Cindy and Nancy bring you local untold history, haunted locations, paranormal investigators, metaphysical professionals, professional psychics, local authors, musicians and talent : inspirational guests, a look at non profits we support and missions for humanity...the list goes on. Segments are taped on location for your viewing pleasure. Contact us at ghostlady40@yahoo.com OUR shows are now being catalogued in The Salem Public Library:)Many thanks to Susan McCusker!