Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Please view a slideshow of our Totemic Images

Welcome to the USC Squirrels Slideshow of Totemic Images!


If we were indigenous peoples of the Northwest coast (US/ Canada), we may have erected a totem pole with these images carved into it, but we live on campus in South Los Angeles and found about this free slideshow software.

These are all very significant to us, and if you'd like to peek into our psyche, click the play triangle...and we'll have annotation tomorrow or the next day.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Meet the Manager of our Complaint Dept.- Oh-Kay Folks?

All you folks out there with non constructive criticism?

We'd like you to meet our new manager of the complaint dept!!!


JK!! :-]

This guy is fierce- and we had to share.

All rights reserved by everybody that's supposed to still have them, and we didn't see an artist's name or copyright attached to this, but we know somebody out there deserves a "HIGH- 5" and Harley's are cool and we don't want to be hit smooshed by a foot or run over by a really fast motor bike.

For the record, we really do believe that all criticism is constructive, even if it is to build a good picture of a bad apple- know what were sayin'?